Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mind Blowing Facts About Workout Discover An Insight Into Different Work Out Programs for Men

New to work out programs or perhaps not an exercise nut, you may be entering the task of researching work out programs for men with the same interest, bemusement, and trepidation you would reserve for taking a trip to a foreign country. First, you may encounter language barriers. Reps, sets, squats, lunges, inverted V's, dumbbells, barbells, chin ups, push-ups, wall walks, thrusts, warm-ups, hand weights and Bow flex machines that are simply not part of your vocabulary.
You may be somewhat awed by the staggering number of different workout routines offered by institutions, gyms, newspaper and magazine ads, internet advertising. Entire magazines are devoted to this subject! You may be astounded by the promises made by these work out programs for men. Here is just a sample: There are work out programs that tell hopeful men:
· How to be ripped like Brad Pitt
· How to lose 20 pounds in ten days
· How to tone your body so babes will drool
· How to achieve a sculpted body in 60 days or your money back
Ads for work out programs for men entice would-be exercisers to:
· Become the envy of all your friends
· Find happiness with the perfect physique
· Build a home grow body
Other work out programs promise:
· Sparta Training Workout
· Buns of Steel
And finally my favourite work out program for men offers the "Most Complete Online Guide to Building Killer Six Pack Abs Fast!!!" Not content with just toned body parts and a lean mean body, some work out programs for men go even farther. They trumpet:
· Weight Training - The Proven Life Changer
· Change your Body; Change your Life
Now I am as cheery an optimist as the next person but who really believes weight training will change their lives? Pondering this question, I began to investigate who responds to ads promising fantastic results for work out programs for men. And I was surprised at what I discovered. I was prepared to meet wimpy little guys who aspired to look like George Clooney or Tim McGraw. I was expecting nerds who had been the butt of teasing and mocking all the way through school and had finally had enough. I expected to find out that these work outs for men would promise the moon and deliver disappointment. Imagine my chagrin when I encountered perfectly normal, reasonably fit men of all ages who were just looking for a way to become fit, healthier, stronger or more flexible. Many feared ill health down the road from demanding, stressful jobs which offered little opportunity and time for exercise routines. Some had been fit and lean as young men and wanted to get back to a better shape and to feel better about them.

Many confessed to starting a work out program in the past and then merely losing the motivation to continue the workout. Their fitness goals varied. Few believed what the ads promised: bodies as ripped as Brad Pitt's; loss of twenty pounds in ten days; complete happiness as a result of following a workout program for men. But all were hopeful that they would build a stronger, healthier-and yes leaner, more toned, more attractive-body. So whether these guys ever get those "home grown muscles" that one program promised, their motivation and optimism made me a believer!

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